Doing for people what bacon did for meat since 1987

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I once said that if 5 people asked me to start a blog I would. While waiting for those 5 people I have decided to share my thoughts here in the hopes that I can bring new ideas and laughter to humanity while growing in popularity to such a degree that I can sell out. Here goes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Generation- Cinema Realists

I've been giving some thought lately to how I define myself and if there might be other people like me. I've concluded I belong to a certain group, every generation has them. My group sees themselves as living in a movie. We don't actually live in a movie, although we might, but we live our lives as if we did. Let me explain what this looks like.

When I dressed in the morning I'm thinking about how what I wear will effect me should I run into a Zombie outbreak, or a bank robbery, or I get transported to the Jungle, or I'm suddenly promoted to CEO of Walmart because I look just like him and he is in a coma and they don't want to scare the investors.

So what do I wear for this? Something I can run in, something I can fight in, something with pockets, but also something that would look good should I have to impress the girl I just rescued from a bar fight and wants to run away to Mexico with me.

In the movies there are no wasted scenes and any segments that don't go smoothly don't go smoothly on purpose. People like me have a hard time wasting time and we will go out of our way to flow through parts of our day, even if just for a few moments.

I was once a server and there was a station where we would bring our trays to clear them. On the wall opposite that station was a shelve where we put bread baskets. Every time I went to clear my tray I would throw the bread basket over my head, missing the shelf 99% of the time. Then one day I made it just as a new busser walked into the room. She couldn't believe I had done it and I felt like I was in a movie.

Do you try and use the force to open doors or stop objects that are about to fall? Do you love going to the grocery store just so you can use the force to open the door? If you do you are living your life like a movie star.

When I get into an elevator I always get the feeling that I am being chased. Therefore I hit the close button over and over. I do this even when someone across the room yells "hold the elevator." In fact I prefer to have someone trying to make the elevator, it makes it that much more real. If they don't make it I just lived a movie scene and got away from a Terminator. If they make it my life changes to a comedy as they glare at me for not holding the elevator.

While living your life this way manifests itself in seemingly meaningless ways, like zig zagging to avoid a sniper bullet, it does give your life a sense of purpose. Movies are all about people who matter, people who might not seem significant but actually make a big difference. Live this way and you will constantly be ready to act, to do something important even if you are not important.

Most times you will have to make your own movies, but every once in a while you will be prepared to say something hilarious, or help someone, or sweep a woman off her feet, and then the movie becomes real.

People with a sense of the grandeur and awesomeness of life watch movies and think, thats me, that could be real if we all lived that way. From an early age we watch the movies, we love finding real life situations that can be elevated to movie status, and we look for people like us.

People say to live like nobodys watching. I think that makes your life meaningless and boring; people don't watch boring movies. Your life is worth watching, you just have to live like you don't care that some people don't like the script. Try it, you might have more fans than you think.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like my life would make a much better reality TV show than a movie.
