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I once said that if 5 people asked me to start a blog I would. While waiting for those 5 people I have decided to share my thoughts here in the hopes that I can bring new ideas and laughter to humanity while growing in popularity to such a degree that I can sell out. Here goes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Man love and why the feminists are ruining it

Do you love your friends? I do. And I tell them. Not, “I love you man,” or “Man, I love getting wasted with you.” I say, “I love you.” Thats it, and I really do. But I don't think many men feel the same way I do. Or maybe they do, but they can only admit it by slapping each others butts.

I truly believe loving man relationships are a good thing. I dare you to watch Band of Brothers or We Were Soldiers and tell me men aren't meant to care deeply about each other. Now if those damn feminists would just shut the hell up.

Here's the problem. Man Love is wonderful, but it is dieing out. I had a college professor who told me that in the 19th century (thats the a confusing way of saying the 1800's) men had deep, brotherly, abiding, love relationships and it wasn't faggy.

But then along comes the 20th century and poof, men are gay for loving each other and we start punching each other in the ass and making each other look at our balls. Its as if we have turned Man Love on its head. I don't love you, I want to make you look gay and then call you gay to prove we are not in love. How did this happen? Feminists.

And I'm not talking about Women's right to vote, or to learn how to read, I can argue against that until I'm blue in the balls. What I'm talking about is this extreme branch of feminists, Limbaugh calls them feminazi's, who believe that Women should not only have the same rights as men, they should be the same as men.

The same? Yes thats right, they believe Women should be firefighters and if they can't pass the tests we should make the tests easier. They don't believe there are some things men are naturally better at than women and vice versa. Instead of recognizing that Women have gifts that men don't and embracing those gifts while respecting that men are different and good at some things which Women are not, these Feminists want Women to be the same as Men.

As Women start to take on traditional male roles and attributes, Men's identities are being displaced. Men are no longer able to embrace their unique manliness and the gifts that come with it while appreciating and respecting the differences and gifts of the fairer sex.

And so radical feminists continue extending the definition of what it means to be a women so it encompasses what it means to be a man. This forces men to their own version of extremism. Men everywhere are either surrendering their manhood and swallowing the breast milk of the Feminazis, or they are taking their manliness to the extreme in an attempt to recapture their masculinity. Fist fights, body image issues, drinking like a fish, pursuing only money or material things, and beating your wife are all examples of manliness pushed to the extreme.

This is how Man Love is being lost. Man Love is a natural and healthy part of the male identity, but men who succumb to the idea that we are the same as Women can't have Man Love with out being gay, and Men pushed to the extreme's of manliness can't have Man Love without feeling gay.

Only a man with a healthy sense of his masculinity is capable of having deep friendships with other men that go beyond being just friends. But because radical feminism refuses to accept that the differences between men and women are beautiful, Man Love is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

1 comment:

  1. Damn it. I wasnt going to comment on all your posts but I have too.

    This is a lot of what I took away from that damn Men's Psych class I took in Madison. Did I ever give you that book to read where the lady infiltrates all male cultures? Because it highlights this perfectly.

    Its not that women are taking on masculine roles in society and the workplace, its that they are taking on masculine values and attitudes. Such as aggression, cutthroat competitiviness, and a drive for the alpha male status. When this spills over into romatic relationships we have 2 people fighting for the same dominant, head of household, breadwinner role and no counterpoint. This in a way makes us almost more gender role confused than the LGBT crowd. Pretty soon we are going to start having to have 3 letter codes for our relationships. Sex, Gender Role, and Sexuality (Example I would be Male, Indifferent, and Straight).

    No wonder daycares and packed and divorce is at an all time high.
