Your probably wondering what I mean when i say sneakers. So I've included a couple of pictures, its ok, there are no ugly ass women attached by their feet, the sneakers don't actually look that bad.

Figure 1. Standard sneakers worn by fish faced, droopy, smelly, unfun women.
I've also included a picture of what women look like who wear these shoes.

Figure 2. If you look like this you most likely wear sneakers. If you look better than this and start wearing sneakers, you will end up looking like this.
I'm not sure exactly why these shoes are so unattractive, but I'm pretty sure its because of the message they send. Sneakers say, "I don't give a fuck about my appearance, I don't move fast, I have no class, I'm fat and getting fatter, I like to nag, I have hair on my toes, and I don't know how to buy a real shoe or clean my ass crack." I think it has something to do with that. Make sure not to confuse sneakers with converse all stars or similar high top shoes that look like sneakers on the bottom. I've never seen a girl wear these, that would probably be hot if someone would just try it. Anyway...
While sneakers say "I'm dumb but still like to talk, I'm super loud, I can't cook, I think I can be eclectic and define myself with these cheap useless goat hoof shoes," there are several other types of shoes that make women hot.
Lets start with athletic shoes. I'll give you a multiple choice question so you can guess what this woman is wearing on her feet.

What are on her feet?
A. Sneakers
B. Athletic Shoes
The correct answer is b. You could have gotten to this answer in two ways. The first is that ugly hello kitty wearing unshaven women wear sneakers. The second way to get this answer would be to know that exercise requires athletic shoes and tennis is a form of exercise.
Thats right, athletic shoes on a girl give a very different message than sneakers. they say I can afford 60$ shoes that don't come from a hobo store, and I take care of my body. I am capable of working out. In case you are still wondering this is what athletic shoes look like.

Hot girl shoes
Athletic shoes say you are willing to try. Sneakers say this:

Notice it is wearing something closer to sneakers. Just because you play tennis doesn't mean you are hot, its the shoes.
So lets recap.


Girls Feet

Not attractive.

Athletic shoe

Girls feet

Super hot
Can I be more clear?
Sneakers are the female equvilant of skinny jeans. Perfectly acceptable when worn by the correct gender, and a complete turn off (atleast for the opposite sex) when worn by the other.
ReplyDeleteAlso now that I think about it one of the girls I went to the bar with last night was wearing sneakers almost exactly like the ones pictured above. I was embarrased for her.