Doing for people what bacon did for meat since 1987

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I once said that if 5 people asked me to start a blog I would. While waiting for those 5 people I have decided to share my thoughts here in the hopes that I can bring new ideas and laughter to humanity while growing in popularity to such a degree that I can sell out. Here goes.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The fallacy of the shart

Kids today have no work ethic, no respect for their elders, and think the Four Seasons is a hotel. Some blaim rap music, some blaim the media, some blaim poor spelling. I have a different explaination. I blame the shart (SHART- A fart that expells shit into your pants).

When I was a kid, pooping your pants was an embarassing reminder that you were a dumbass. It built character! Today's parents want to protect their kids, they want to coddle them. "It's ok honey buns, you did't crap your self, it was just a little shart! My little cutie pooty can grow up to be anything he wants!" What load of shit.

By telling our kids that they can do no wrong, that their shit doesn't stink if you will, we have helped to create a generation that doesn't deal with reality. If there isn't enough money, we get another credit card or refinance. When we don't like the jobs that are availible we go on welfare. American's have gained a nasty habit of hiding from the crappy truth so they can hold onto an unsustainable standard of living. It stinks.

Hiding from our National debt by raising the debt ceiling or shuffling money around so we can afford a war in Libya is as stupid as pooping your pants and calling it a shart. You're full of crap whether you admit it or not.

You wouldn't catch a Vietnam vet or someone who lived through the great depression with huge credit card debt or forgetting to vote and you won't catch them sharting either. They know when they've crapped themselves and they stand up, take responsibility, and change their drawers.

Thats how it used to be done and its time we started calling a spade a spade. Lets get one thing clear. If you have poop in your pants, you crapped your pants. Renaming our problems only postpones the inevitable and believe me, the longer you wait to deal with crap, the worse it smells.


  1. Best post yet I think. Genius. Hilarious. Hairy. Smelly.
