Doing for people what bacon did for meat since 1987

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I once said that if 5 people asked me to start a blog I would. While waiting for those 5 people I have decided to share my thoughts here in the hopes that I can bring new ideas and laughter to humanity while growing in popularity to such a degree that I can sell out. Here goes.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life Plan as of 2009

I'm currently saving all my change and when I graduate I'm going to use it to use it to buy a nice wooden box. I'll fill it with whisky and cigars and that thick steak kind of beef jerky (but I'll keep the whisky in bottles). Then I'm going to load the box into my truck at hit the road to seek a position as a fisherman.

If I can I will buy an English Mastiff. After a year or two of fishing I will head west and buy some land. Then I will be about 24 and I will begin work as a wilderness therapist.

I will spend my days off building a log cabin and hopefully my friends will help with a barn raising. Please remember to show up for this, we will need all the help we can get. I will be about 27 at this point.

About here you will probably come for a visit and say "what happened to you Andrew, you used to be so (insert whatever you think of me now)." I'll laugh and offer you some whisky and jerky and you'll probably remark on the expert craftsmanship of my cabin. Thanks I'll say, it was built with Zombie defense in mind.

Then I'll go back to graduate school for something that seems stupid, like Judo, or life enjoyment counseling, but by the time I'm 32 it will seem like a great move.

I'm leaving some of the time after that open. Most of my friends will be married and have car loans and stuff but they don't realize that whisky, cigars, and beef jerky really are not that expensive so you don't need a big income.

I'd like to meet some women along the way, a wife at some point. It would be good if she was a practical joker and knew how to make cornbread and steak. Also she would have to get along with Milo, I forgot to mention that thats my dogs name. Also if you could teach me to dance that would be great. It would also help if she was attractive and aged well, like whisky or beef jerky. I also like back scratches. I don't really bring much to the table but I promise I won't get fat. See above for what life with me will be like.

If I had to guess what my 40's will be like I will be raising some kids, all expert Jui Jitzu fighters and Tuba players. If society has collapsed you can find me on my western land living off of home made jerky and whisky, but my kids won't have whisky until they turn 14 and become adults by killing their first deer.

My wife and I will be working on some project together, maybe a bar where you get bacon and apple beer. At about 47 I'll start a factory that produces good ideas, I'll be hiring all my friends and the great people I met along the way to work on the assembly line. I'll even let you drink at work.

That still leaves 50-100, and I think I will live along time. So that period will be spent re-building society and writing funny stories. My wife and I will go down fighting aliens and our kids will become heros for infecting the bastards with canceraids. So ya, thats me in a nutshell.

If you have any ideas for filling that up or it sounds fun your welcome to come. Wifes especially.

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