I am, however, an expert on psychology, and zombies. So this bloog is my analysis of three types of people in relation to their thoughts about zombies. You can tell a lot about a person based on how much they think about zombies. I've made a graph to help you visualize what I'm talking about. This is basically a psychological hypothisis about the correlation, not causation, between thoughts about zombies, how optimistic or pessimistic a person is, and how much a person needs to escape their reality.

As you can see from this graph I have divided people into three categories: those with low, medium, and high thoughts of zombies. This is where, if I where really doing a psychology experiment, I would operationalize those terms, review the relevant literature, explain my methods, and do the experiment.
But theres no time for that. Or funding. As you can also see from the graph, which is supposed to give validation to this theory, people with low thoughts of zombies have low levels of need to escape. This is because they are optimistic about the world. Perhaps they are happy with their lives, perhaps they are rich. Whatever the reason these people have no need to mentally escape their lives with fantasies about life changing scenarios.
Lets contrast that group with the third group. These are people who think about zombies all the time. These people are pessimistic and therefore have a high need to escape reality. These are the people who buy guns, get concealed carry permits, and pray that someone tries to rob the bank they are in.
They actually hope bad, apocalyptic things happen because they are pessimistic and want to escape, even if that means terrible things have to happen. They don't like their lives, or the world, and they want to escape. But since they are pessimistic they only focus on negative life changing scenarios like zombies. Pretty interesting huh?
Then you have the third group. These are the people who only have a moderate need to escape reality because they are neither completely optimistic or pessimistic. They think about zombies because it provides an escape fantasy, but they don't hyper focus on it. They think about positive escape fantasies, such as winning the lottery, as well.
It would be pretty easy to test this theories out and then make up some bs why its important, but you don't have to take my word for it. Ask your friends how much they know about zombies and if they can tell you the difference between Dawn of the Dead Zombies (which never die unless you kill them) and 28 days later zombies (which will starve to death in a few weeks if they don't feed) you can bet they will be pessimistic and at least a little unhappy with their lives. You don't find to many rich doctors spending all day thinking about what they would do if the world ended.
So I hope that helps you understand what psychologists do and what you can tell about a person based on their thoughts about zombies. Now if I only new what it means if a person thinks about how much people think about zombies.