Doing for people what bacon did for meat since 1987

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I once said that if 5 people asked me to start a blog I would. While waiting for those 5 people I have decided to share my thoughts here in the hopes that I can bring new ideas and laughter to humanity while growing in popularity to such a degree that I can sell out. Here goes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Global Warming, dumbass

I'm sick and tired of people who should know better laughing at me for not believing in Global Warming (they changed the name to climate change because the theory of global warming doesn't hold up, as you will see. Climate change is real, but there's nothing we can do about it).
Anyway, I'm going to make this as simple as possible. Here is a list of things that must be proven in order, beyond a reasonable doubt, for a reasonable, scientific, human being to do anything to reduce Co2 emissions in the way crazy people like Obama tell us we must.
1.The earth must be warming (its getting cooler)
2.A warming planet must be bad for people. I'll qualify this one- if warming were also very bad for animals we might consider moving onto number 3 (Warming is great for people, check out the little climate optimum, death rates in warm vs. cold weather, crop growth, weather patterns. Its good for animals as well- see extinction rates/discovery of new species rates)
3.Manmade emissions of CO2 must contribute in a significant way to rising temperatures or we must be on the verge of running out of fossil fuels (CO2 makes up a tiny fraction of all greenhouse gasses, of that figure manmade emissions make up an even smaller fraction. Every time we double the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere the amount that Co2 contributes to temperature change cuts in half. Conservative estimates suggest we have enough fossil fuels to meet our needs for several hundred years)
4.The damage done by Global Warming must exceed the damage done by our attempts to stop it (Economic losses from attempts to curb CO2, which would result in millions of deaths, not only far exceed predicted losses from Global Warming, they would only postpone climate changes, not prevent them)
The simple fact is that the millions of people who believe in Global Warming, and who try to censure people like me, can't prove a single one of these four conditions. The reason they can't do this was provided in the parenthesis. Why do they continue to insist we all must change? Many of them simply don't have the time or mental capacity to figure out the truth (Thats why I wrote this, to help busy people).
Go ahead and ask your friends to tell you why they believe its getting warmer, why that would be a bad thing, how much CO2 actually contributes to climate changes, and what the cost of cutting CO2 from our economy would be. They won't know the answers to these questions, not with specifics anyway. For the most part they just believe (like Santa Claus). They will probably site a scientist or a politician. But a politician wouldn't know the answers to these questions and no Scientist is an expert in all of these areas (the experts in the individual areas are opposed to the theory of Global Warming). If they claim to have proof of these conditions ask them for it. I'd be shocked to even find partial evidence for one of the conditions. If you could make a case for all 4 I would become a believer- surprise me!
Your friend will be stumped but you don't even need to ask these questions. Look at your friends lifestyle. They probably drive a car (a Prius releases more CO2 over its lifetime than a hummer), they don't know what its like to have no power (they most likely can't afford non-fossil fuel power, ethanol/wind/solar use more power than they create). In fact they might make some superficial cuts that support their green views, but they don't make any real changes.
Either all these global warming people are liars (they know GW is a farce and are using it as a front for an ulterior agenda), they don't think and just go with the flow, or they believe in Global Warming but aren't scared of it at all. Flow people should wake up a little before they choke on the cool aid, people who believe but aren't scared should bring their beliefs in line with their actions (or vice versa, that won't last long), and people with an ulterior agenda should be honest (you want us to live in TP's, you hate America, whatever). Case closed.